Building Tips and technical articles. => 1/2 A building. => Topic started by: Bill Heher on September 26, 2007, 08:22:30 AM

Title: 1/2A flying is in my blood! Photo proof
Post by: Bill Heher on September 26, 2007, 08:22:30 AM
While visiting my Mom yesterday we dug out an old photo album. Looking back through 60 years of memories, we get to a bunch of snapshots of my dad when his National Gaurd unit was activated and sent to Germany in '52-'53. There it is- a picture of a young Corporal, sitting on the steps of a barracks and admiring a new AJ Firebaby. Tried to blow it up after I scanned it to identify the engine- but it not enough detail. I'm guessing an O.K. Cub. No wonder I love these 1/2A so much- it's in my genes! I'm definetly going to have to get a FireBaby now.

Title: Re: 1/2A flying is in my blood! Photo proof
Post by: Bill Adair on September 26, 2007, 02:36:52 PM
Hey Bill,

You sure that's a Fireball? Reminds me of the Firebaby I had when I was a kid, bubble canopy and all.

Agree the engine looks like a Cub.

Title: Re: 1/2A flying is in my blood! Photo proof
Post by: Bill Heher on September 26, 2007, 05:19:08 PM
You are correct- it is a Firebaby- I named the picture file wrong, and didn't realize it till I posted.